Kukuda Menskai aka Ripe Mango curry


You’ll need:

      • 8 ripe mangoes ( preferably sweet and sour)
      • 3 tbsp njh Mothership’s Meat/Seafood/ Veg Spice Mix
      • 1 tbsp njh Mothership’s Sambhar Mix
      • 4 1/2 tsp Salt
      • Water according to the consistency you want, but not too much as you might lose the taste of the mango.

For seasoning:

      • 1 1/2 tbsp coconut oil
      • 1 tsp mustard seeds
      • 4 dried red chillies.
      • 4 sprigs curry leaves
      • Tamarind paste
      • Jaggery powder (Depending on taste of the mangoes)


      • Hand squeeze the mangoes to take out the pulp. You could use a hand blender to smooth the mix but it’s not necessary. Add the njh spice mixes and mix.
      • Heat a clay pot and add the coconut oil. Add the mustard seeds when it heats up followed by the curry leaves and dry Chillies.
      • Add the mango pulp into the oggranne/seasoning. Let it come to a boil and serve and enjoy it with hot red rice and some sandige.

1 comment

  • rashmi

    for mango curry recipe should we add coconut milk

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